Spring Checklist: 5 Things to Do

by Jan Richey | February 18, 2013

Spring Checklist Paint

Spring is almost here!  After frosty winter temperatures and, let’s be honest, a little neglect around the house, The Jan Richey Team wants to make sure you add these important items to your spring to-do list! Thanks to Cozi.com (originally posted by Redbeacon.com), here are five items that need your attention as the weather warms.  Though small, these things can make a huge difference for both you and your home!

  • Review  your roof.  Check for loose or broken shingles from the winter’s harsh weather, which can allow for leaks and puddled water.
  • Inspect the gutter.  Leaves and twigs can gather in gutters during the winter, clogging the downspouts and potentially leaking into the foundation once spring rains arrive.
  • Paint!  Is one of your rooms in desperate need of a makeover?  Spring is the time to put  a fresh, new color on both the interior and exterior of your home.
  • Declutter with spring-cleaning.  Open the closets and get started!
  • Clean up your lawn and garden.   Remove any dead annuals and weed seedlings, and, if necessary, apply fertilizer to balance out the soil.

Photo courtesy of cozi.com